Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Day 13 : Start of mocap test and blending regions of shader with different patterns

I went to pose as the mocap actor earlier this afternoon since edmund has to leave earlier. Alas, the newly upgraded mocap software vicon blade is not functioning as well as expected, the calibrating process takes forever. The user interface looks new to me, and different in an optimized way.

I stumbled upon a way to lay different shaders onto the surface depending on the direction of the normals of the surface that is pointing at, allowing a more random distribution. The blend regions node was capable of doing that, with functionality of adjusting the blend values and blend blurness as well
From what i intepreted, the vectortofloat takes information of the normals from the surface globals then, the output has fval1,fval2,fval3 which equates to axis X,Y,Z. By connecting the fval2 = Y to the bias of the blendregions, this allows the different shaders that connected to the input of the different regions to map the shader accordingly varying on the pointing position of surface normals of Y-axis

This is one of the render i got when i messes things up, it looks pretty cool though

This is what i got so far, shrugging off what i have got yesterday, trying to get that random grey rocky patch isolating out; i used a turblelence noise for that, from the black surface, i also altered the mold to green colour, but only the threshold at minimal levels. I sought advice from joyces, she suggest me to add more better looking details to illustrate the individual rock and stone better

Some idea 

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