Monday, 17 October 2011

Day 32 : The start of production

Today Mr Ron came in, asked him a couple of questions. He explains to me the idea of index of refraction/reflection for the frosted glass. Initially i was facing the issue with displacement bound and sluggish rendering time, Mr Ron endeavours to use some reflection and envmap node to substitute the frosted glass to minimize the rendering time and deliver the results, but it has got a lot more to append and tweak.

He also taught me how to paint the lava trait manually according to the way i wanted, some grouping node and expression $CR>0 is needed. However, this method seem difficult to create a good realistic shading, there seems to be shadow casting behind as well. Nonetheless i will take into account and explore more on this useful method.

Later on Mr Douglas came in to give advice to brace and get ready for real production and what to prioritize the work of the elements. For me, it would be the touch up on the ocean shader and then the waves for the sea of glass. Then the multiple terrains which i have to reconstruct cause the height is too high and the pattern is kind of predictable. Finalizing the terrain shader and Ultimately the lightfog.

Most essentially, Mr douglas wants me to acquire a third level of details for the ocean since the shot is a close-up and add in turbulence noise in VOPSOP and even displacement in shader.

reduced the expression frequency for the animation

Rainbow sea of glass, hmmm this is the closest reference picture i can find
Most likely tomorrow i would try to replace the brick texture displacement with the ice cube displacement. Then try to generate the waves pattern using pattern in VOPSOP

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